How to do a Facial with Homemade Products

facial with homemade products

Sometimes we only think about cleaning our face when we are approaching an important event since we do not want to appear with a face marked by acne, pimples, and blemishes. Instead, facial cleansing is a ritual that must be carried out often for the health and beauty of our face, and it is not necessary to always go to a beautician. Still, you can get good results, if you follow this guide of steps in which we explain how to do a facial cleaning with homemade products.

Cleaning the face daily with home remedies will allow us to eliminate dead cells, contamination, and makeup residues that accumulate and cause the skin to be dull and dirty without forgetting the early appearance of wrinkles and, of course. , the risk of acne, or various blemishes. The skin needs to breathe, be free, clean, and nourished, and with a simple facial cleansing, we can do all this. Say goodbye to blemishes and impurities with these homemade products.

Steps to do facial cleaning with homemade products

These are the five steps to follow to do a facial with homemade products:

1. Open pores

facial with homemade products

The secret to this first step is steam. Our skin is made up of many pores that are used for perspiration to let sweat out and can become inflamed, dilated, or blocked.

  • To open and clean them thoroughly, you need a facial sauna that you can get with a small pot of water that you have to boil with two tablespoons of baking soda.
  • Place it on a comfortable surface and place your face on top of the steam, without burning yourself, for a quarter of an hour.
  • Cover the head with a towel. With this simple gesture, the pores are opened, and the skin is cleaned.

2. Exfoliate and cleanse the skin

The second step is the facial scrub, which is very important because it serves to remove dead cells and superficial impurities. By removing impurities, the skin can breathe and regenerate. It is not advisable to use the scrub on acne, inflamed or damaged skin.

  • If you have very delicate skin, you can use bicarbonate soda with a little water and honey to obtain a granular mass. For normal skin, sugar, honey, and lemon juice are the best homemade products.
  • Once the ingredients are mixed, what you have to do is massage the scrub well on the face, avoiding the eye area, then rinse with warm water.
  • Now you are going to clean the skin: you can clean it with a cleansing milk or with a mild and natural soap specifically for your skin type. Rosewater is also excellent, as is olive oil if the skin is not oily. For oily skin better, opt for something astringent but not too much. We take the product and massage it on the skin in circular movements to activate the circulation and then rinse.

3. Purify the skin

facial with homemade products

While cleaning the skin with homemade products, of course, you can not forget about purification with a mask that you must choose depending on the type of skin.

  • Inflamed and itchy skin: chamomile, aloe, calendula.
  • Oily skin: lemon, clay, apple, honey.
  • Skin with black spots: honey, egg white, food jelly.
  • Dry skin: avocado.

On the other hand, natural yogurt is fundamental for all skin types, but you can also use honey that is antibacterial and nutritious. So you mix the useful ingredients for your skin and spread the thick mixture on the face. Let it act for at least 30 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

4. Close the pores

facial with homemade products

After everything we are explaining to you, the pores will still be open so you have to close them with a homemade facial toner that you can make from rosemary, or use lemon juice or a decoration of parsley that are astringent and light, or a decoration of orange peel and grapefruit. Green tea, or herbal tea mint and apple cider vinegar, are also very good. The tonic should be applied with small blows to the face (with the help of a cotton swab) and allowed to air dry.

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5. Hydrate the skin

facial with homemade products

Our facial cleansing with homemade products is almost finished, only hydration is left. Choose a moisturizing cream, safe and natural, suitable for your skin. If the cleaning is done during the day, it is good to find a day cream, if not a night cream. The moisturizer must be massaged at all points, and it is necessary to use a suitable one for the eye area.

About GTW

A passionate blogger and digital marketing professional who loves sharing blogs, writing and reading on various topic.

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